Mobile Computer Services Shares Tips to Improve HIPAA Compliance in Dentistry

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8 Tips To Improve HIPAA Compliance In Dentistry Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a law created to protect patient records in the medical field. Complying with HIPAA is supremely important for any dental clinic to protect Patient Health Information(PHI) and not to attract fines due to HIPAA violations. While everyone is aware that patient records …

5 Key Points About Testing Backups

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What are the key points to include in a backup testing strategy? Most business owners are now well aware of the need for regular data backups to overcome unforeseen events such as natural disasters, system failures, ransomware attacks, or accidental deletion of data. A backup ensures that data will be restored in the event of such primary data failure. What …

How To Recover An Unsaved Microsoft Office File

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How To Recover an Unsaved Microsoft Office File A lost document is a common problem in any workplace. The most common reasons are: it was mistakenly deleted, it was accidentally closed before saving, or the work was lost due to a software crash or power outage. Mobile Computer Services, a managed IT company in Wake Forest, shares the possible ways …

6 Reasons to Switch Managed IT Solutions Companies

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Businesses that partner with a capable IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) enjoy numerous benefits, including:  increased flexibility,  reduced spending on IT maintenance and repair, and better security.  However, not all MSPs are keeping up with the pace at which this industry is moving as the business world moves online. These six signs are a good indication of when it’s time …

What Are the Leading Managed IT Services Trends for 2021?

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The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic altered how many companies conducted their operations and daily tasks, and managed IT service providers continued to adapt solutions in 2021. Many businesses had explored the possibility of digital platforms and remote employees. However, the big change was that these trends highlighted a need for dependable managed IT service providers who would handle IT operations and …

How to Evaluate an IT Company: 6 Tips

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The computer infrastructure of a business is invaluable for day-to-day operations and as the business’s online “face” to consumers. Managed IT service companies offer many services, such as monitoring, streamlining, and maintaining a business’s vital computer infrastructure. Working with an experienced Managed IT service provider can prevent the cost, frustration, and embarrassment of computer glitches and outages. The experts at …

Managed IT Service Explains Four Common Cybercriminal Phishing Emails

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Dental practices, veterinary clinics, and small businesses must keep their guard up in the effort to maintain cybersecurity. Vulnerabilities can spell disaster. IT managed services are a burden that most small businesses are unable to shoulder alone. An outsourced managed IT solutions provider, such as Mobile Computer Services, Inc. of Wake Forest, is an affordable way to gain the cybersecurity …

IT Management Company Explains How a VPN Protects Internet Activity

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A virtual private network or VPN provides a secure internet connection and grants anonymity to a user’s web traffic. A VPN functions to establish a secure connection between a user’s device and a remote location by creating a tunnel from the device in use to the network of the VPN service provider. The internet traffic routes through this tunnel to …

8 Serious Threats Lurking in the Cybersphere

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When cyber threats strike, they are costly for both large and small businesses. A recent study provided data indicating that the direct cost to a small business to remediate a cyber-attack is $38,000. For a large company, the direct costs are a whopping $825,000. These figures do not account for more tangential and tertiary or “hidden” costs which rocket recovery …

The Most Compelling Argument for Outsourcing IT Management Services: ROI

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Managed IT Company Explains How Outsourcing IT Management Can Increase ROI Small business owners understand the complexity of effectively and profitably running a business. One strand of that complexity is managing the data-intensive environment, so an IT management solution is indispensable. Hardware, software, network services, data protection and recovery, cybersecurity, a business continuity plan in case of a catastrophic systems …