The Remote Workplace and Cybersecurity Concerns

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security Leave a Comment

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has created a temporary remote workforce that has swelled to unprecedented levels and may signal a larger and more permanent shift to remote work. Working from home reduces certain health risks associated with the coronavirus. However, working at home also creates cybersecurity risks and other IT management issues that must be resolved before any work is …

8 Serious Threats Lurking in the Cybersphere

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Managed IT Services, Security Leave a Comment

When cyber threats strike, they are costly for both large and small businesses. A recent study provided data indicating that the direct cost to a small business to remediate a cyber-attack is $38,000. For a large company, the direct costs are a whopping $825,000. These figures do not account for more tangential and tertiary or “hidden” costs which rocket recovery …

Benefits of using a VPN

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security

While using a virtual private network or VPN isn’t a silver bullet to online privacy threats, it still offers crucial security benefits, especially if any part of your day involves using unsecured channels such as public Wi-Fi. Given its importance, how do you pick the right one and what factors do you need to consider? What is a VPN? The …

PHI security best practices

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security

Healthcare companies and the vast amount of valuable patient information they hold have become a major target of cyberattacks. Hospitals must combat this with a highly trained team of technicians equipped with the following technologies and security tools. Strict access policies To control access to protected health information (PHI), your IT department must introduce access restriction policies. For example, accountants …

Keep your mobile devices safe with these tips

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Hardware

More businesses are now allowing their employees to use mobile devices to increase productivity and profitability. But smartphones and tablets are just as vulnerable to hacking as desktops and laptops. Worse, employees may be exposing their mobile devices unwittingly to cybercriminals. Here are some helpful tips to keep your devices safe. Ensure mobile OS is up-to-date The updates on Apple …

Do honest working hackers exist?

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security

The word “hacker” conjures up an image of a hoodie-wearing basement dweller that programs all sorts of malicious attacks to infiltrate their target’s computer. But hackers are so much more than that. There are also hackers that use their skills to do good. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term ‘hacker’ was vaguely defined. As computers and the people …

5 proactive defenses against cyberattacks

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security

As IT security consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) such as ours want to provide clients with enterprise-level IT, but that requires that we specialize in overwhelmingly intricate technology. Explaining even the most fundamental aspects of cybersecurity would most likely put you to sleep instead of convince you of our expertise. …

5 Simple but effective cybersecurity tricks

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Security

Can you name five cybersecurity best practices? Most people can’t, and few of those who can, actually follow them. Unfortunately, cyberattacks are far too common to be lax about staying safe online. Your identity could be stolen, or even worse, you could expose private information belonging to your company’s clients. There are many ways you can protect yourself, but this …