Keep your mobile devices safe with these tips

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Hardware

More businesses are now allowing their employees to use mobile devices to increase productivity and profitability. But smartphones and tablets are just as vulnerable to hacking as desktops and laptops. Worse, employees may be exposing their mobile devices unwittingly to cybercriminals. Here are some helpful tips to keep your devices safe. Ensure mobile OS is up-to-date The updates on Apple …

Protect your IoT devices with these tips

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Hardware

The Internet of Things (IoT) creates new business opportunities. For instance, companies can use smart sensors to track and monitor inventory. However, hackers can still get their hands on IoT devices given the chance to breach your network. Here are some precautions you should take to protect your IoT devices. Set passwords Not many people know they can set passwords …

5 tips for buying a new computer

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Hardware

There are so many different types of computers out there, each with varying specifications and capabilities – how do you find the best one for your needs? Whether you’re purchasing a computer for yourself or for your family, here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you make the right decision. Desktop or Laptop? This depends …

“Black Dot” crashes iOS messaging app

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Apple, Hardware

An emoji encrypted with a series of hidden codes has been reported to disable and crash the messaging apps of Apple Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Read on to discover how you can address this problem before it does severe damage to your device. What is going on? A bug, known as “Black Dot,” is locking the messaging app on Apple …