Ugly websites cost your business big bucks

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.Business

According to a recent survey of 1,800 consumers, 42% said they’re “very unlikely” to buy from unprofessional or ugly websites. If you’re wondering whether or not your site could fall into that category, check out these key indicators. A variety of professional photos From pictures of your products to team photos, high-quality images are arguably the most important thing on …

How 5G data will impact VoIP

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.VoIP

Our craving for data seems to increase every year, fueling the constant advancements in wireless technology. The latest is 5G, an abbreviation for the fifth-generation wireless systems, and it is set to transform VoIP for the better. Here are three ways it will do that. Improved Video Conferencing The major factor holding web and video conferencing back is how fast …

4 Qualities of an ideal VoIP distributor

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.VoIP

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is changing the way small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) communicate. That’s why many SMBs are now switching to this affordable yet feature-rich phone system. But before you decide to invest, make sure your VoIP distributor is a reputable one. Highly trained technical support A good VoIP distributor will provide some technical support before and after …

5 Tips to combat VoIP eavesdropping

Mobile Computer Services, Inc.VoIP

Eavesdropping has recently been making headlines, but this form of cyberattack has been around for years. Cybercriminals have been listening in on VoIP phone calls since the tech was introduced to the market, and they show no sign of stopping their malicious activities anytime soon. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to combat VoIP eavesdroppers. Change the default …